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Creativity is messy and we like it that way. Saying yes and figuring out the rest, with photographer Chris Zebo.
In Episode 114, my guest is Chris ZeboChris and I talk about his penchant for saying YES to new opportunities in his career, and the messiness that follows as he puts his money…
Stop overthinking your pricing! Here's how to decide what to charge, with Kim Dawson
In Episode 114, we are talking all things pricing. If you have ever flip-flopped on your pricing, feeling frustrated trying to figure out how to price your products or services; This episode is for you!
From party of one to becoming a boss. Growing fast, mindfully, with Jo Pham.
In Episode 113, I am delighted to share my conversation with Jo Pham. She is the Founder and CEO of The Social Party, a full-service social media agency for business owners.
Honing your personal style to reflect who you are, with Katherine Johnson.
In Episode 112, I have a great conversation with Katherine Johnson. She is the founder of True Self, an image consultancy that helps you hone your personal style so that you are presenting yourself to the world the way that you want to be seen.
Being happy and productive as a creative solopreneur, with photographer Cate Black.
In Episode 111, my guest is Cate Black, an architectural photographer whose work is frequently featured in top-tier design magazines.
Managing Multiple Creative Businesses, with Holly Shaw.
In Episode 110, I have a great conversation with Holly Shaw. She is an author, performance coach hypnotherapist, and stand-up comedian.
Love Your Business BINGO!
Episode 109 kicks off season nine of the podcast and I am so excited to introduce you to our theme for the season: Love your business!
I have some incredible guests lined up, creative entrepreneurs in many different mediums who personally inspire me through their work and how they manage their creative businesses.
In the spirit of this theme for our season, we're going to play a game. It's called Love Your Business BINGO.
Try my annual ritual for joy and prosperity.
Episode 108
My holiday gift to you: an end-of-year workbook to reflect, refresh and revitalize for an incredible new year. In this episode, I walk you through the three sections of this guide and give examples of my own. Feel free to grab your own copy and work along with me!
I wish I was a person who...
Episode 107
What is something that you want in your life, but struggle to stick with? In this episode, I am talking about how to change habits or behaviors in a sustainable and supportive way.
Overcome this perfectionist block.
Episode 106
Perfectionism isn't about having high standards or wanting things to be perfect. In this episode I share a sneaky perfectionist tendency that wastes a lot of time and energy, plus mindset-altering advice to break the pattern and move forward quickly.
Someone Else Can Do It
Episode 105
In this episode, I talk with Jana Osofsky of Jana O. Media, about using Pinterest Marketing for services-based business. Our conversation is unique, because I recently hired her, and the strategy she taught me is the exact strategy that helped me hire her.
SEO For Creative Business Owners.
Episode 104
In this episode, I talk with Jana Osofsky of Jana O. Media, about using Pinterest Marketing for services-based business. Our conversation is unique, because I recently hired her, and the strategy she taught me is the exact strategy that helped me hire her.
The Pinterest Strategy to Book Yourself Solid.
Episode 103
In this episode, I talk with Jana Osofsky of Jana O. Media, about using Pinterest Marketing for services-based business. Our conversation is unique, because I recently hired her, and the strategy she taught me is the exact strategy that helped me hire her.
Find your flow on camera, with Holly Gillen.
Episode 102
Today I had the wonderful opportunity to interview Holly G of Holly G studios. We discussed how to plan, create, and edit videos for your business as well as how to feel comfortable in front of the camera and to embrace everything that makes you, you.
101: Building a Triple Bottom Line Business.
Episode 101
Today I am joined by Melissa Kiguwa, CEO and founder of Obanj Jewelry. We talk about sustainable consumption, why luxury is important, and a clever win-win way to become an investor no matter what your current financial situation is.