26: Can Rapid Growth Be Easy? With Mike Kelly Of MemberVault.


Hey Maverick! Welcome to Season 3. This season I am chatting with entrepreneurs about the things they do to maintain their mojo – to stay focused, creative and balanced in their life and business.

In this episode I talk with Mike Kelly, the co-founder of MemberVault. Mike and his wife, Erin, created this online platform to help entrepreneurs think “outside the sales funnel” and focus instead on building relationships with their clients.

MemberVault, as I say, has a bit of a cult following and we get to chat about why their users are so obsessed and how they made it happen. And Mike shares how he stops himself from working like crazy even as they are experiencing rapid growth in the business.

There are some real gems in this conversation, especially as it relates to thinking deeply about your clients and how they want to interact with you. And for your own sanity, growing your business sustainably by learning the skill of pacing yourself and what will and won’t actually matter in the big picture.

Subscribe to the podcast and grab a screenshot of this episode and share with your entrepreneur friends on Instagram and Facebook. Tag me [@linsibrownson] so I can thank you!

Episode Links:


27: It’s Always Both. Soulfull Wisdom, With Allison Crow.


25: How Do I Get My Confidence Back? Q+A With Linsi Brownson.