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What To Do When There Just Isn’t Enough Time.

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In this episode I am inviting you into my coaching session with Carol, a life coach who is feeling stretched thin and wishing she had more time to work on her business.

I asked Carol questions to help us really uncover what she's feeling and doing right now, and what she wants to be doing for her business. And then we looked at what's really getting in the way.

She thinks that "there just isn't enough time" and has a lot of reasons to back that up. But as we'll explore, time is not keeping her from having fun, being creative, bringing in more clients, or any of her desired results.

Notice how Carol's energy shifts from exhausted to inspired as we talk through this. It's really a powerful experience, and I hope you'll enjoy listening and walk away inspired too.

You will spend every minute that you have, either on creating something you want or something you don't want.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Time is always sufficient. Your relationship with time will determine whether it feels scarce or abundant.

  2. Busyness always produces a net negative result, because you spend more energy than what you receive in desired outcomes.

  3. Entrepreneurs often try to solve problems by taking different action. But this only intensifies the urge to keep taking more action instead of taking better action.

  4. You will spend every minute that you have. Every minute you spend intentionally creating your business lifestyle, is a minute that you are being successful.

Ps, make sure you are subscribed to the show, and I’d love to hear what you think of this episode! Take a screenshot in your player and tag me @linsibrownson on Instagram.

Sound editing is provided by Erik Hulslander at

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You are listening to Be Brilliant In Your Business, the podcast for small business owners to be focused, energized in in charge as you build the business you love.

Before we dive into today's episode, be sure that you are subscribed so you won't miss a thing. Are you ready? Let's go.

Hey, guys, how you doing? I want to thank all of you who reached out and said that you loved last week's episode on Buffering with Busyness. I've gotten so much good feedback on it. And I agree with you. It's a really powerful episode because as entrepreneurs, we have a tendency to be pretty busy. And one of the things that I really like to think about is that we don't want a less full life, we want a successful life.

So the key is to learn how to be in charge of our time and to be intentional with how we spend it right to create the things that we want, rather than spending it on the things that we don't want. And it really, and truly is the relationship that we build with time and with ourselves.

That helps us be that person and show up for ourselves that way.

Which brings me to today's episode. I'm so excited to share this with you. So last week, I introduced you to the model, which is one of the tools that I use as a coach and I talked about this concept of buffering. If you haven't listened to the episode, I definitely recommend that you go back and listen to it because it really has a lot of good info in it, but you don't need to have heard it in order to hear today's episode.

But today, I am doing an actual live coaching session with Carol on her relationship with time, and busyness and the things that that are getting in the way of her creating the business. And I call it the business lifestyle, you'll hear me say that, that she's actually wanting to be living. So this is really amazing.

I'm so grateful that she was willing to come on and do this with me. It's risky, right? So we actually get to really work through what's coming up for her and what she needs to be thinking about and doing in order to show up differently for herself in her business. You'll hear me ask her a lot of questions upfront and every coaching session is a little bit different. Sometimes we dive straight in and the problem is really direct to the problems really clear. And other times we want to play with it a little bit and just keep digging and sort of uncovering all the thoughts around it.

That kind of hangs out, almost like this mist, or like a cloud that's around the core problem. And we want to keep exploring those until we really get down to the root. And the problem that's going to be the most useful thing for this session. I think this is great, because I think it's good for you to hear. I'm sure you can relate to a lot of those thoughts, some of the more surface level and some of the deeper thoughts as well. So I thought that was a great example that you will get to hear as well. Let's dive in and do some coaching with Carol.

Linsi Brownson 3:38

Hi, Carol. Thank you so much for being here.

Carol 3:40

Hi, Linsi thanks, I'm really excited. Yes,

Linsi Brownson 3:43

Me as well. So we are going to do some coaching on dizziness, and life and time and business and all the things.

Carol 3:54

I love it.

Linsi Brownson 3:55

Yes. Cool. So do you have a specific challenge? problem that you're facing right now or specific thing in mind that you want to kick us off with.

Carol 4:04

I do. Thank you for asking. I. So prior to quarantine, I was focused on speaking and leading workshops, I'm a life coach. And I was really focused on that. And then quarantine happens. And obviously, most of that got taken away.

And I found myself in this place of like, I was really scared and really uncomfortable because all of a sudden, like so many people in the world, I had no income.

And so I was able to pick a few things up to bring some income in, which felt good at the time. And,for example, I used to be a personal trainer. So I started teaching fitness classes online, which was really fun and kept me busy. And I felt like I was able to serve my community in that way. So that was great. And then I picked up another just kind of a part time job that at the time I had a lot of time for and now that quarantine is loosening up a little bit. I'm getting back into coaching and bringing on more one on one clients.

And that's really where I want to focus my time and attention. That's my passion. But I have found that all of a sudden, I am a person with all of these part time jobs. And I feel like I'm spread really thin right now and am not able to focus on coaching as much as I I would love to. And I honestly feel like I'm not doing any of the four jobs that I'm currently doing very well. Because there's just too many things going on in my head at all times.

Linsi Brownson 6:16

Yeah. Okay. So when quarantine happens, you went into some fear or worry around income decided to find alternate ways to bring in income. So in that moment, just sort of like looking back the timeline. You picked up jobs and you said you felt really good about them at the time. But now, you're in a position where you have these jobs and you feel like you What did you say you're spread really thin. So you're not focusing?

Carol 6:50

Yeah, or any of the four jobs? Mm hmm. Okay, that is exactly right. I feel spread really, really thin and can really see now that the decisions some of the decisions I made to pick up a few of these jobs were really made from a place of fear and scarcity and panic. Right? And so I like just grasped things that I could. And now here we are, it's just too much, and I don't know what to do. Okay. What do you want to do? I want to really focus on my coaching practice. That's where my passion is. That's what I love. Yeah. Well, that would be it.

Linsi Brownson 7:37

Yeah. Okay. So let's look at that a little bit more closely. When you say I really want to really focus on my coaching practice. What does that mean for you?

Carol 7:48

That means definitely showing up for my clients, which I am, I'm showing up for the clients that I have right now. 100% But I want to serve more women. I want to help more women. So that would be bringing on new clients, which, you know, in order to do that there's time spent on marketing and networking and all of the things that we do to bring new business or new clients on board.

Linsi Brownson 8:23

Are you not currently working on doing that at all?

Carol 8:27

I am, I am working on it. Okay. Not in the way that I want to. Okay, I'm not putting nearly as much time into it as I want to.

Linsi Brownson 8:40

Give me some like real specifics with that. So how much time are you putting into it versus how much time you want to be putting into it? Look at that gap.

Carol 8:49

Yeah, so right now what it looks like is me waking up at five in the morning to write client emails. Or you know, newsletters to mark up myself on social media coming home at night and sometimes spending an hour or two at night like it eight, nine o'clock, you know, finishing things up like that. I don't do my best work at five in the morning and nine o'clock at night. Okay.

Given that that is my priority and my passion and what it would look like is me being able to focus on that during the day and spending as much time as I needed to during the day in between coaching my clients being able to coach more clients than I am currently able to take on right now.

Linsi Brownson 9:49

So right now, just from what you said, so correct me if this is missing anything but it sounds like you are spending about two hours a day doing something Sort of business development working on your business? in marketing, writing emails, growing presence? Oh, yeah. That's right. And what your ideal is what you'd like to see happen is that you are still doing that, but at different times of the day when you are maybe feeling like you're in better energy.

Carol 10:22

Oh, yeah. 100%

Linsi Brownson 10:24

and what else would be involved in this ideal day?

Carol 10:28

Yeah, so I can see myself doing more than that for sure. I would also be coaching more clients. You know, moving my client load more to fully booked, where now I feel like I'm just kind of taking a client here and there and sort of squeezing them in when I can. Which doesn't feel fair to me or my clients, honestly.

It would free me up to attend more networking event. There's a lot of online networking events that I'd like to attend that I'm not able to. I feel like, I would also be able to be more creative in my messaging and my marketing and show up more authentically than I am right now I feel like I'm just really doing the bare minimum, just to kind of get out there. And I'm not not super proud of how I'm showing up because I'm just tired.

Linsi Brownson 11:31

We've kind of talked about like where you started at the beginning of quarantine. And moving into what that looks like for you today. Some of the like the outcomes of some of those decisions, and then talking about this businesses version of your business that you would like to have, which looks a little bit more I think I'll just summarize it by saying a little bit more intentional for you. So a little bit more of you designing what your business Looks like and what you're doing with your time with your day, then how you're currently showing up for your business. Does that sound fair?

Carol 12:10

That is exactly it. You hit the nail on the head with that one.

Linsi Brownson 12:15

Okay. So we have this sort of, in your mind this discrepancy between how you're showing up for your business right now and how you would like to be showing up for your business. And what I'd like to kind of look at is what is actually in the way of you showing up for your business the way that you want to be like, what are some of the things that are the reasons why you're not doing that?

Carol 12:42

Well, the obvious one that jumps out to me is time. I don't have a lot of time right now because I have these three other jobs that require my time and attention. Another thing is energy. Right like that. Just it takes a lot of mental energy for me to To switch my brain off, and, you know, turn it on for one thing and turn it off and turn it on for the other like that. Really, really exhausting. Yeah.

Linsi Brownson 13:13

So time and energy, I would say are, are the two biggies right now, which one seems the most problematic at in terms of the obstacle in the way of this intentional design business that you want?

Carol 13:28

I think that would be time because I feel like if I had more time, I would also have more energy. So it kind of cleans both of those up. Okay.

Linsi Brownson 13:37

All right. So it's a really broad circumstance. And you know, the model, the circumstance is the external factor. It's the thing that we are associating with being the problem. This is your external experience. You're having internal thoughts about it, right?

Carol 13:55

So many internal thoughts.

Linsi Brownson 14:00

Yeah, yeah. So generally I would want to go really laser focused on like exactly what is happening with time. But I think it would be interesting to play with just this concept of time. Because really what's coming up for me is you have a relationship with time. That isn't great right now. How does that sound to you?

Carol 14:28

Fair enough. Okay.

Linsi Brownson 14:30

You're willing to play with me on this? Yeah,

Carol 14:33

Yeah, let's do it.

Linsi Brownson 14:35

Okay. When it comes to this business that you want to have and the intentional way that you want to be designing your business life, and we look at time, what do you think about time?

Carol 14:46

I don't have enough of it right now to to create the business that I want. There's just not enough, like I can't keep going like this and create the business that I want.

Linsi Brownson 15:04

Which one of those thoughts you said "I don't have enough?" Okay. You also said "there just isn't enough." And then "I can't keep going this way and create the business I want." Which one of those feels the most powerful to you?

Carol 15:20

There just isn't enough time. .

Linsi Brownson 15:24

Okay. So when you think there just isn't enough time? How do you feel exhausted and describe exhausted for me a little bit. How does that feel to you and your body? Can you feel any specific sensations and a location?

Carol 15:41

Yeah, it feels really heavy. Like, like my body feels hard to move.

Hard to move, because there just isn't enough energy to move it. Where am I in my body? It was all over. I really, like, just my body as a whole is just heavy. And there's a slowness to it. Almost like if I were trying to walk through mud, that's like waist high, huh? So I'm just fighting against the best Crusher. That forces me to just it's really like trudging through this mud.

Linsi Brownson 16:32

Yeah, that's a great visual and you're really associating to it this feeling of exhausted. So to kind of check in on that when you think there just isn't enough time. You have this feeling of heaviness and trudging through mud and this whole body slowness. Yeah, yeah, that feels true for you.

Carol 16:57

Mm hmm. Okay. Okay.

Linsi Brownson 17:00

You think there isn't enough time? What do you do with your time? What is time? Like? What's that relationship with time? What are how are you spending it? What are you doing or not doing with the time that you do have when there isn't enough of it?

Carol 17:17

Yeah, that's really fascinating.

I haven't, I haven't really thought this through. So I feel like I'm always behind. Like, I'm always just having to either like write that email in the next five minutes before my alarm goes off. Or it's not going to get done. You know, sometimes I find myself like having to record something while I'm literally while I'm walking my dog. Right and so I feel like I just I have so little time and I honestly don't know where It's going because just hearing myself say these words. I definitely have more than five minutes here and five minutes there, but I'm treating it like that's all I have. So there's procrastination going on in there. For sure.

Linsi Brownson 18:19

Would it be accurate to say that you are a little bit urgent with the tasks that you are doing or the things that you are doing? You're feeling that rushed?

Carol 18:30

Yeah, everything feels urgent.

Linsi Brownson 18:33

So you're doing things with the sense of urgency you're rushing? He said procrastinating a little bit also multitasking sounds like you're doing some of that.

Carol 18:44

There's no intentionality either. How so? I feel like I'm literally like, I wake up I look at my calendar. What do I have to do today? Oh, I have these you know, 10 tasks or whatever. That I would like to devote more time to doing the tasks, right and not just like, "Oh, this thing, do this thing now. Oh, the next thing, do the next thing now, right?" There's no thought. Yeah, I'm not intentional about the action I'm taking. I'm just sort of putting stuff together and throwing it out into the world.

Linsi Brownson 19:24

Yeah. And then when you're doing that, you have thoughts about some how you're not showing up enough how you're doing the bare minimum. Some of those other things we talked about? Yeah.

Carol 19:36

Yeah, like, I'm not showing up for my clients. I'm not showing up for my business. I'm not showing up for myself. And I just don't know how or when that can change.

Linsi Brownson 19:49

This feeling of exhausted for you because you think there just isn't enough time. Then when you're in that place. You're really rushing through the tasks that you're doing. You're sort of mechanically following like, okay, "here's the next thing. Here's the next thing. Here's the next thing." It's a very reactive is the first word that came to mind. But it's almost like you're giving yourself these, this busy work to do. You're giving yourself self these little tasks to do and keeping busy without really thinking about maybe the end result of what they're creating, if that's the best use of your time. Yeah, does that sound like,

Carol 20:34

Whoo, I haven't seen that one before. But yeah, that's, that's 100%. Right.

Linsi Brownson 20:39

So you're being busy, you're rushing, you are kind of procrastinating on some things, but you're also just like forcing yourself like rushing through the other things. You're doing multitasking, just like cramming as much as you possibly can into every minute of the day.

Carol 21:01


Linsi Brownson 21:02

Yeah. So the end result of that of doing all of those things is that you are proving this true, right, that there isn't enough time. Because what you're getting out of it isn't the results that you're actually aiming for.

Carol 21:21

Yeah, for sure. So I'm just creating this myself then .

Linsi Brownson 21:29

It's everyone's favorite answer.

Carol 21:32

Like, oh, okay, I see I did that myself. Cool. Okay.

Linsi Brownson 21:36

Yeah, absolutely. But what's really interesting is that there's the business that you want to have the intentionality that you want to have the calling it business design or business lifestyle. It's like it's how you want your day and life to look and feel.

And then there's this belief that there just isn't enough time and that creates that body heaviness, you said instantly, and then everything you're doing all these little actions you are taking, you literally are trudging through the mud energetically, and it creates these results there, there are probably results right that you get from doing some of these actions, right? The dog gets walked. That's one, the email gets sent. So it's like we can quantify these actions that you're taking. But the sum total is a net negative.

Carol 22:33


Linsi Brownson 22:34

The sum total is that you're spending more energy than you are creating results that you desire.

Carol 22:43

Yeah. And just hearing you say that, I realized that I'm not having any fun, right? There's nothing about that. That's fun. And I want I want this business to feel fun and I know that it can be It has felt fun in the past. And it's fun to show up for my clients. And it's fun to serve these people in a way that changes their lives and to put the time and attention into it. That's really fun. And right now what's going on is not fun at all.

Linsi Brownson 23:20

Yeah, because nothing fun can come out of trudging through mud.

Carol 23:26


Linsi Brownson 23:28

jumping in puddles is fun, but drag yourself through. Not fun.

Carol 23:35

Fun, no.

Linsi Brownson 23:37

So what I kind of want to show you before we look at like, one thing that entrepreneurs often do is that they immediately just want to start changing the actions that they take, right

So we've looked at some of these actions for you are the multitasking which you could look at and be like, I don't want to do that. We looked at procrastinating. Like, I don't want to do that, right? And so very often, we jump in and we're like, Okay, great, then I'm just going to time block, or I'm just going to plan this differently, or I'm going to get up earlier, and with that we create this perpetual cycle of busyness.

Like you will just continue to play this out if you try to change your actions without first understanding where this is truly coming from. So what I just want to show you with this is that the time, and the amount of time, the existence of time, is completely neutral.

It's sufficient, it can feel abundant or it can feel scarce. And that is a choice, but the truth, the neutrality of it is that it is sufficient. There is always enough time. But what's creating this feeling of exhaustion for you and the net negative results in your life is coming from this thought that there isn't enough time.

Now. You think it's true that there just isn't enough time, right? But then if that were the case, the only way you could ever solve for that would be to create more time. Which isn't something that you unfortunately a human being can do.

Carol 25:19

Not we are not capable of that.

Linsi Brownson 25:21

Yeah. So, before we look at how else could you be with time, I want to look at the thoughts. And like I said before, this relationship that you have with time. So, exhaustion doesn't come from the amount of time that you have in a day or the amount of time that you spend but really, and truly, what you're doing to yourself right now is exhausting yourself by thinking that there isn't enough time and then trying to work harder to create more stuff to not feel exhausted. Do you see how that kind of like creates this hamster wheel effect?

Carol 26:00

Yes, and even hearing you play that back to me and say like, "your thought is there's not enough time." I got this like, like rapid heart rate and like, like, I need to do something quickly, right. Like it's so automatic for me now just even hearing you say that to me and I had this very physical response of like, there's something I need to be doing really quickly. Mm hmm.

Linsi Brownson 26:27

Yeah, that is like, then you have this urgency and literally an urge to be busy.

Carol 26:36

Yeah, yeah, it was an urge to go do something. Yeah, there must be something I haven't done.

Linsi Brownson 26:44

]Right and so good. So we're gonna stay here. I'm not gonna let you leave and go do anything yet. We're gonna stay here and really look at like that urge to do something that urge to move, you know, trying to get away from that urge that really uncomfortable feeling. Because you think that it's true that there isn't enough time. And as long as you continue to believe that that is true. There's no amount of time that you could have that would make that urge go away.

Carol 27:18


Linsi Brownson 27:18

Yeah tell me what's coming up for you now.

Carol 27:21

Well, it's really fascinating because I know the model, but being on this side of it, I want to do exactly what you said and start taking action.

Like, that's where my brain is going. I'm like, "okay, I hear that." You're saying it's what I'm thinking and I get that, but what can I go do and it's just really interesting to kind of see myself experienced this in that way. Right? Because, intellectually, I know something different to be true. But still, I'm feeling this. Like, I gotta go do something. I gotta go do something. It's like Yes, but I gotta go take care of some things. It's just really interesting.

Linsi Brownson 28:08

Yeah, it is fascinating. So I wonder, have you ever considered quantifying time? Like, what would be enough time? You have any concept of that?

Carol 28:17

No, actually, I have not ever quantified time. I think what I, where my brain goes is to like, back in the day when I actually only had one job and was working on my life coaching practice and how spacious that felt.

And so I have that to compare it to, but I, I have not tried to quantify like, what would be enough time I just think like that what I used to have, that would be enough time. Mm hmm.

Linsi Brownson 28:53

Which we sometimes do look back at our past and sort of romanticize But things that we had that we think were better. Yeah, it's interesting. What? What were you thinking about time? When you were in that place where you were working on your business and feeling you said spacious, feeling spacious with time what was happening for you then?

Carol 29:19

I think I really was thinking every day that I was intentionally creating the life that I wanted. Like, I felt very intentional every day about creating what I wanted for myself.

Linsi Brownson 29:35

Yeah. Which is interesting, because it really seems like the world changed. And now, time is different. And there isn't enough.

Carol 29:47

Yeah, that feels really real.

Linsi Brownson 29:51

Is there any upside to continuing to believe that?

Carol 29:56

No, that was a ridiculous choice.

Linsi Brownson 30:01

Well, it's a natural, you know, we can look back, we know that you you started changing your actions right in response to fear with getting some jobs right. So you sort of indoctrinated yourself into this thought that there isn't enough time by taking actions that proved that thought true.

Carol 30:20

Yeah, right. Oh, yeah.

Linsi Brownson 30:23

And so now we're just sort of like rolling it back and being like, Okay, so what if that thought had never entered your mind? But there isn't enough time. Like, who would you be then? If I had never even occurred to you that maybe there isn't that maybe there is enough time? I said that wrong. Yeah, what if you never had that thought there isn't enough time.

Carol 30:48

Even hearing you say that, like I it feels lighter. Yeah, it feels like something really heavy. Just got taken off my back. Then it's like, oh, yeah, if there is enough time. Hmm.

Linsi Brownson 31:06

So why do you think it feels lighter as you think? Well, what if there is enough time?

Carol 31:12

I got this feeling of like space of like I have. Yeah, it just it feels like the space around me just got a lot bigger. And I no longer have that feeling of heaviness. I no longer have that feeling of urgency. Yeah, I kind of think I forgot what you asked because I'm just like sitting here experiencing a very different thing. Yeah.

Linsi Brownson 31:40

You want to be intentional with how you choose to work on your business. Yeah. And it's possible that time is perfectly sufficient. Yep. And if that were true, and you You said spacious, but I'm just going to check in with you - if that were true that there is enough time for you to work intentionally on your business. How do you feel?

Carol 32:10

I feel a lot more grounded. I feel calm for the first time in months actually.

Linsi Brownson 32:21

So as you are feeling calm thinking about working intentionally on your business, what are some of those intentional things that you might do?

Carol 32:33

I can see myself being a lot more thoughtful about the content that I'm sharing the way I'm showing up for people and feeling like I think I'll feel a lot more creative and will be able to show up in a way that I feel proud of and not like I'm just sort of throwing spaghetti on the wall and hoping that it's going somewhere.

Linsi Brownson 33:02

And using time intentionally, relating to time intentionally, what kind of result do you think that that will create for you?

Carol 33:15

I think the ability to use time intentionally will. It'll allow me to feel more in control and more purposeful about creating this business. It's so interesting because I have this vision of what my coaching practice can look like, and will look like. And there's an interesting like, there's certainty for me there.

But it's always been clouded with, you know, the busyness and all the things like I just really told myself that that is what was getting in my way, but with this new thought, and this new experience of time Like, I can really see myself on that path and making this vision become a reality for me in a very clear way. Amazing. Yeah. And that feels really fun.

Linsi Brownson 34:15

Yeah, so you're spending your time, like we're all given the same amount of time in a day. And you're spending it either way, right? You either spend it doing things you want to be doing, or you spend it doing things you don't want to be doing. But it's getting spent, it is something like that part of it is out of your control, right?

Like every minute that passes, you are spending that energy somewhere, you're spending that time somewhere. So you have this ability by kind of playing with some of these thoughts around time and shifting your mindset around like how you relate and how you show up with Your time so that every minute you spend is actually that self fulfilling prophecy, right? What you want is to intentionally be creating your business lifestyle. And every minute that you spend intentionally creating your business lifestyle, you are already successful.

Carol 35:21

Yeah, yeah. No, I love that so much. I'm already spending the minute so why not spend it? very intentionally? Yeah. And creating what I want.

Yeah. Oh, that's, that's mind blowing. That's awesome.

Linsi Brownson 35:40

I just want to do a quick check in because I want to make sure that the way that we are talking about solving for exhaustion and busyness in your business is not by changing the hours that you're working. But how do you see your self actually solving it? Give me sort of this picture with a new frame of reference.

Carol 36:06

I can already tell that I am looking forward to my time tonight that I am going to sit down and do what I had planned for myself. Yeah, like, I haven't given one thought to, oh, I'm gonna change the hours that I'm working. I just know that I am going to be showing up differently. And like, I actually feel really inspired. And I haven't felt inspired to sit down and do this in a long time.

Linsi Brownson 36:38

Amazing. Yeah. Oh, good. I love it. Yes. Sometimes we just strip away some of those layers around the busyness. Right, like we just pull a few of the pieces out. Or to use your metaphor because I really like it -We're pulling you out of the mud.

Carol 36:57

Yeah, absolutely. I'm showering off in this.

Linsi Brownson 37:02

Yeah, so you can see what's underneath all of it.

Carol 37:05

Yeah. I love that. And it does have that feeling of freshness.

Linsi Brownson 37:11

That feels really good, huh? Oh, freshness. Awesome. Well, Carol, thank you so much.

Carol 37:16

Oh my goodness. Thank you so much. This has been an amazing gift. I appreciate you.

Linsi Brownson 37:24

This is so much fun and I look forward to seeing what else do you create the intentional inspired fun. I can't wait.

Carol 37:32

Keep your eye on me. It's gonna be amazing.

Linsi Brownson 37:34

I absolutely will.

Carol 37:37

Thank you. Yes, thank you.

Linsi Brownson 37:42

Hey, I know that running a small business can feel complicated. So let me help you uncomplicate it. I teach people how to harness their creative brainpower to take clear and focused action to accomplish their goals without burning out. offer a free one hour consultation where we uncover what is really getting in your way right now.

And I'll show you step by step how to create an aligned business that you will love to build. In this conversation, I'm going to give you the foundation to work confidently every single day. And it's going to be super simple. I want you to have the time and energy and freedom for everything that you want in life. And I want you to start having it right now. To find a time that works for you. Visit Linsi