60: 5 Listener favorite episodes to dive into now.


Today is a fun throwback, as we celebrate 60 episodes with a ”best of” reflection.

I kick things off by talking about the 3 biggest changes I’ve made to the podcast this year, and WHY. If you love behind-the-scenes business insight, you’ll really enjoy this part. 

Then I share which 5 episodes were the most popular this year (we’re only six months in, but Jan-Feb and March-to-date seemed like two distinct years, right?). I’m curious, do these episodes fall on your list of favorites? Tell me on Instagram

Hear the highlights and simple reminders that made these episodes great, and see what inspires you to dive back into the original. Because it really is amazing how you always hear exactly what you need to hear in this moment.

If you love this episode, make sure you also subscribe to the show so you never miss a thing!

Links + Mentions:

Listen to all episodes of Be Brilliant in Your Business, on your favorite podcast app.


61: Thoughts on empathy, shame, Black Lives Matter and your business.


59: Belief dissonance.